201 Reviews
Garnier Micellar all the way
One of the most popular international beauty brands is Garnier. Garnier Company has made its name quite eminent in the category of self-care, skin & beauty and essential products. Garnier Brand has introduced a wide range of cosmetics and skin-care products as the sub-company of Loreal. Their Hair Care Products and Skincare Products speak of maximum quality standards and set the new trends in the industry. In the range of Face Wash and Cleansers, the brand of Garnier has won great popularity. There are thousands of loyal customers of Granier scattered across the world. The Hair and Face Cream products by Garnier are very budget-convenient beauty items. The quality, effectiveness, and price of these products are sole factors that have determined the worldwide success of this brand. I use Garnier dark spot corrector, Pure active charcoal, oil control complete, and micellar. I really like micellar a lot it is nonirritating, I use it after I shower or wash my make-up off to ensure that my skin is completely cleansed and as a toner to balance if any soap residue it left over, I use cotton rounds but the reusable ones are really good too! I put mine in a spray bottle and it lasts a lot longer. As for pure active charcoal I have used it on a few occasions now, and I find it a great wash, it can take a bit of rinsing off but the face always feels lovely after using it, and looks so much fresher, I can’t tell whether it made a difference to blackheads but face feels smoother, it is a little bit messy so be prepared you to wipe around the sink etc, but it’s worth it in my opinion.