
The Pest Control Products Board is a Statutory organization of Kenya Government established under an Act of parliament, the Pest Control Products Act, Cap 346, Laws of Kenya of 1982 to regulate the importation and exportation, manufacture, distribution and use of pest control products.


PCPB VISION: To be a world class regulatory agency for pest control products.

PCPB MISSION: To provide an efficient and effective regulatory service for importation, exportation, manufacture, distribution, transportation, sale, disposal and safe use of pest control products and mitigate potential harmful effects to the environment.


  1. To improve and maintain the delivery of inspection service to all stakeholders.
  2. To develop and retain human resource capacity to meet the challenges of the Board.
  3. To facilitate the availability of new pesticides with proven safety, economic value, quality and efficacy through efficient registration process.
  4. To reduce environmental contamination and health risks (considering education, proper disposal of unsafe or unusable chemicals and adherence to minimum residue levels).
  5. To revise the Act governing the regulation of pesticides to include obsolete pesticides disposal, transport, penalties and other shortfalls.
  6. To monitor the quality of pest control products already in the market.
  7. To encourage various stakeholders in the pesticides industry to have scodes of practice.


  1. To increase public awareness of the PCPB activities.
  2. To enhance public image of the PCPB.
  3. To promote and sustain good leadership.
  4. To ensure proper siting of manufacturing and formulating plants and sumps for containment of effluents.
  5. To compile and maintain an inventory of obsolete and expired chemicals, used containers and develop strategies for their disposal.
  6. To ensure only qualified personnel handle restricted pest control products.
  7. To evaluate and register pesticides safe to plants, animals, users and the environment.
  8. To collaborate with relevant agencies in evaluating risks of pesticides to human, environment and non-target organisms.
  9. To monitor quality of pesticides within the distribution chain.
  10. To regulate volumes of importation of pesticides regulated under international conventions e.g. Rotterdam, Basel and Stockholm Conventions.
  11. To train pest control products dealers on legal requirements for manufacture, procurement, storage and sale of pesticides.
  12. To enhance frequency and coverage of inspection services.
  13. To facilitate training on safe use of pest control products for stake holders.
  14. To ensure timely investigation and prosecution of Pest Control Products Act offenders.
  15. To enforce use of approved labels.
  16. To improve information dissemination to stakeholders.

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August 26,2019

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