When you have lived in Nairobi as long as I have, every day can start feeling monotonous. Especially when you are going to the same places and doing the same things throughout the year. In such a situation you might start mischaracterizing Nairobi as boring. Fortunately, Nairobi’s big scale and large and diverse population make it almost impossible to have experienced every facet of this city. To help you in your journey to rediscovering your love for this city I have created a Top 10 Things to do in Nairobi list. If you haven’t done anything on this list, try it out, you might end up enjoying it.
1. Visit an Art Gallery
This is top of my list because a lot of Nairobians, unfortunately, do not know Nairobi has a very vibrant art scene. From art galleries, museums, pop-up galleries and art events there is so much to do for art lovers in Nairobi. One of my favourite art events is KATA KATA KA-LLABO which is a unique event where you get to participate in the creation of the artist’s masterpiece. At the end of the collaboration, you take what you created back home as the artist stays with the final product. If you want to try it out click here to check out my Top 10 Arts and Entertainment Venues in Nairobi.
2. Sign up for a gym
One of the best ways to spruce up your weekends is to expand your social circle, and gyms are some of the best places to do this. My favourite gyms and the best gyms to do this in my opinion are CrossFit gyms. One of the aims of CrossFit gyms is to build teamwork among members. And a lot of lifelong friendships and relationships have been built within the walls of these gyms. Many gyms also have weekend activities such as hikes and competitions. These activities tend to feel up your week and a lot of people have incorporated going to the gym into an integral part of their lifestyle. Going to a gym is a wonderful way to spice up your life while improving your health. Killing two birds with one stone. If you want to try it out check out my “Top 10 Gyms in Nairobi” list.
3. Enrol in Dance Classes
Do you have two left feet and have always wanted to fix that? Now that you are bored, this is the best time to sign up for dancing classes. Nairobi has seen a surge in dance, pole dancing and salsa classes. Most classes are easygoing and enjoyable. And dance classes are some of the best places to have fun, make friends and work out while honing your dance skills. Nairobi has hundreds of dance studios. Dance Centre Kenya and Sarakasi Dome are some of the best and most popular dance studios around.
4. Visit the Kenya Cultural Centre
One of the best ways to experience Kenya’s and Nairobi’s culture is through its plays. Residing within The Kenya Cultural Centre is the Kenya National Theatre. This is the largest amphitheatre in Kenya and the birthplace of some of the greatest Kenyan authors, actors and screenwriters. Every week there are multiple plays, dances and cultural performances among other things. It’s one of the best places to connect with your roots and explore art.
5. Visit the National Archives
Located in the Nairobi CBD this is one of the most underrated places in Nairobi. Despite being one of the most important buildings in Kenya, most people aren’t even aware that the public has access to this huge structure. At the price of KSh50 for Residents and KSh200 for non-residents, you get access to all of the important historical records relating to Kenya. The records include written and video records. There are so many interesting things inside that time flies by when you are exploring the building. It is one of the best ways to spend a weekend. And you only need to go once to get hooked. This is why it makes it to my ‘Top 10 Things to do in Nairobi’ list.
6. Visit the Nairobi National Park
I’m aware that this suggestion is cliché and going to the national park is a very “touristy” thing to do. But, an interesting fact is that a huge portion of Nairobians has never gone to the park despite being born here. So, instead of doing the same things every weekend how about you go experience what Nairobi is famous for? This is why it makes it into my ‘Top 10 Things to do in Nairobi’ list.
7. Join a Local Sports Team
Joining a local sports team is not only one of the best ways to stay healthy but it’s also a good way to meet new people and build friendships. Don’t worry, the sports team doesn’t have to be a professional one, you can join an amateur team. Amateur teams have less tight schedules and almost no fitness requirements to join them. Make sure you choose a sport that you find interesting. Interest is what will keep you going back. Amateur sports teams always have something to do on the weekends as this is when their league games are played. In good amateur leagues, you’ll get to travel a lot and meet new people every weekend. All these plus the natural spirit of competition that we all have within us will ensure that you’ll never get bored again.
8. Start Following a Sport and Attending Sports Events
Being a sports fan is one of the most emotional things you can choose to become. It will provide you with both the happiest and saddest experiences of your life. And to be honest there is no way to avoid the up and downs of being a sports fan. It’s one of its allures. There are a lot of sports you can follow in Kenya. From football, rallying, rugby, Formula 1, golf and Motorcross there is something for everyone. You can go and personally watch the sport or when the event isn’t being held in Kenya you can go to watch parties such as Pole@Post held at the Winning Post on Sundays.
9. Join A Charitable Organization
Charity is one of the noblest things you can do with your time. You not only get to help people but it’s also good for your spirit. It might sound like a selfish reason for helping people, but the truth is I haven’t met anyone who hasn’t felt good after doing charity. It can be argued that the feeling is good for your mental health too. There are a lot of charitable groups and organisations in Nairobi and Kenya. These are the best places to meet and talk to people with similar interests. This is why it makes it to my ‘Top 10 Things to do in Nairobi’ list.
10. Join A Country Club
Joining Country Clubs is one of the best and easiest ways to spice up your weekends. Everything on this list plus more can be archived by simply joining a good country club. They have sports, gyms, social events, art events, tour events, sports tournaments plus a lot more. It is also one of the best and safest places to expand your social circle, whether it’s for business, romantic relationships or friendships. Luckily Nairobi has some of the best country clubs in Africa. A lot require introductions and have a high membership fee. But the investment is worth it in my opinion.
This sums up my Top 10 Things to do in Nairobi list. On one of the boring weekends go out and try a few things on this list.